Answered... All 23 text messages that were sitting in my inbox taunting and haunting me when I woke up! It was after dinner before I'd finished the last one, but still!
Baked these cookies... A super healthy Girl Scouts Samoa knock-off. Samoas were my very favorite cookie all those years ago but it's been years since I've had one! Not at all the texture of a real Samoa but still delicious.
Contemplated... What high school math I'll use for my oldest. Did I need to contemplate it today, in 2025? No. Still, I did.
Learned... About Henry Hudson for our history lesson. I was utterly fascinated and eventually requested library books about him. It's so sad that my school years managed to make history so boring for me when adult-me finds it so fascinating!
Listened to... Faith & Fables podcast while grading the day's schoolwork since Baby was napping. This was my first time trying this show, thanks to Amy mentioning it, and I was delighted!
Read... Proverbs in my Bible // The Wonder Weeks // Stories for Your Soul // Holy Holy Holy as baby's bedtime book // multiple potential kid books. I'm also about to read a bit of Take a Chance on Me before bed, and then probably some more while nursing in the night!
Sipped... My favorite Blue Lotus + oat milk chai latte with one of the above cookies while chatting with my hubby this evening.
Watched... This Christian booktube video during my (super light) aerobics workout.
Wore... my cute new nursing-friendly outfit: This dress with gray leggings and my navy sweater.
Worked on... The 2010 page of our new family Christmas memory book. My husband found his family's Christmas memory book in his dad's things after he passed away. We decided we would love to make one for our family and were so delighted to find that the exact same one is still in print!